Our own modern vehicle fleet, conveniently situated between Düsseldorf, Krefeld and Mönchengladbach, ensures prompt and on time delivery straight to our customers.
The motorways A 44, A 52, A 57 and A 61 are right on our doorstep.
Our high performance enables us to react within a very short time to variegated customers wishes.
We can always react very flexibly to all changes in the market. We are an ideal partner for wholesalers, food dealers, for butchers and for food caterers. We are here to assist you!
According to our customers orders we prepare our products straight to the point for delivery. We deliver all over Germany and Europe.
Our refrigerated lorries are equipped with the latest technique and ensure reliable on time delivery- no interruption of the cooling chain.
We deliver the fresh meat flexibly according to your intended use with 9ton, 13 ton or even 18 ton refrigerate vans or lorries.
Box wash: The empty boxes we use for transport are cleaned to ensure an immaculate hygiene status. They then can be returned into the new production process.
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